In 2019 I was asked to use my skills to create stationery for my largest event yet. I had to handmake over 200 place settings for my school formal. This request seems easy enough – you get a list of names, create the place settings, and give them to the co-ordinator.
Well…not quite.
Firstly, I needed to find material, cut out the tags to shape and create the name tags. Another request was they could also be clipped onto the lanyards that were going to be handed out at the formal. I had to provide these results, all while making them look aesthetically pleasing and meet the requirements for the large amount of people attending.
After selecting the material and cutting to size, while maintaining consistency, I also hole punched heart designs to fit the events visual style.
A helpful step I included was arranging the guest list names into their tables. This way I was able to easily see if I was missing any names and I was quickly able to make new name tags for late registrants.
Creating these place settings required a lot of time and patience as well as double and triple checking – ensuring no names were left out or spelt incorrectly. As each individual name tag was handwritten, I needed to make sure I had spare material for when I made a mistake, such as not fitting their entire name onto the small card.
I was very thankful that the formal committee asked me to design these. Personally, I think that it was a lovely way to contribute to my last year of school.